
The Ocamb Group doesn’t want to be normal. That’s how we can deliver solutions normal consultancies can’t.

At The Ocamb Group, we thrive on challenging the status quo because we believe extraordinary results require unconventional thinking. We refuse to settle for the ordinary and strive to deliver solutions that surpass the capabilities of traditional consultancies. Our team is driven by a deep understanding that normal approaches yield normal outcomes. By embracing innovation, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we uncover unique perspectives and strategies that others overlook. With our diverse expertise and multidimensional approach, we bring fresh insights and unconventional solutions to the table. Our clients benefit from our unwavering commitment to going beyond the norm, helping them achieve outstanding results and surpass their goals. With The Ocamb Group, you can expect a transformative partnership that challenges the boundaries of what’s possible and propels your success to extraordinary heights.

Key Differentiators


Independence and Impartiality

Almost all other strategy and research consultants are part of a larger organization. This creates an inherent conflict; recommendations are always biased by the need to create other business for the agency or consultancy. The Ocamb Group is independent, and you can trust us to provide unbiased council and always stand up for what needs to be done. We also collaborate seamlessly and can integrate into your existing internal and external team to execute the strategies.


Deep, bipartisan, understanding of political realities

In today’s polarized world, it’s essential to understand the nuances and complexities of political realities. Traditional political consulting firms often operate within their party’s ideological framework and struggle to challenge it, even if it’s in the best interest of the client. The Ocamb Group offers a different approach, drawing on deep bipartisan expertise and working with top researchers from both parties to capture the true sentiment of each audience. We know how to change mindsets and actions to achieve the client’s goals, navigating this incredibly delicate political climate.


Focus on customized solutions

Far too many consultancies have a proprietary process they sell to clients. This simply means they do the same thing for everyone, a one-sized-fits-all approach regardless of the unique challenges the client faces. The Ocamb Group will always conduct a full discovery session and devise a specific research protocol designed to providing the necessary data to achieve results for the client. We will also adapt the protocol based upon initial results.


Direct involvement of agency principal

Over the course of his career, David Ocamb has worked with both the largest and smallest corporations, non-profits, and government clients. He has consistently delivered results for these clients, helping them realize goals they often didn’t even know how to articulate at the start. As a boutique agency, The Ocamb Group guarantees David Ocamb will bring his experience to your account and not leave it in the hands of lower level staffers.


Data-driven scientific approach

The research guides the recommendations. Full stop. This means having the confidence to admit a hypothesis was wrong and change your approach to solving the client’s problem based upon what the research results uncover. It also means always digging deeper and asking “Why” to uncover the truths that lie under the surface. Finally, it means having the capacity to utilize all forms of quantitative and qualitative research as well as access to data scientists to evaluate large datasets, so we are not beholden to any singular research methodology.